Goals to live by.


As part of the international Sacred Heart network, we are committed to the five goals and criteria shared by all Sacred Heart schools.

At the heart of our philosophy is the belief that each child possesses unique gifts. Our mission is to unearth those gifts, nurture them, and empower each child of the Sacred Heart to share those gifts with the global community.

Foundational Principles

  1. In the Goals and Criteria, the Society of the Sacred Heart defines the mission of the school as part of the Society's educational mission in the Catholic Church.
  2. Each School is accountable to the Society through the Sacred Heart Commission on Goals for adherence to the Goals and Criteria.
  3. Each school's Board of Trustees and Administration establish and uphold policies that are consistent with the Goals and Criteria.
  4. The school allocates its resources to support each Goal and its Criteria.
  5. The school is in compliance with professional standards as stated by accrediting agencies.



The Goals and Criteria serve as the statement of mission for all schools in the Sacred Heart Network. The revising of this mission statement by educators and the Society across the United States and Canada occurs every 15 years. This fourth revision, adopted in December 2020, explores at depth Sacred Heart's core beliefs and values, educational philosophy, and culture and climate within Sacred Heart schools, and reaffirms the vitality of Saint Madeleine Sophie's vision of education for today's world. 

Grounded in our mission, we strive toward higher excellence with a bold vision for the future.