Honoring Joseph J. Ciancaglini

In honor of Dr. Ciancaglini’s 16 years of inspirational, consistent and mission-driven leadership.

Video created by Bernadette Tuazon P’21, '26 for the May 5, 2023 Always Inspire Benefit Auction honoring Dr. Ciancaglini.


Joseph J. Ciancaglini

Head of School 2007-2023


The 2022-2023 academic year marked Joseph J. Ciancaglini’s sixteenth and final year as Head of School at Convent of the Sacred Heart. Under his leadership, the school’s academic program grew in nearly every area and division, and the campus expanded by over fifty percent, thanks to the addition of the Athletics and Wellness Center (406) which opened in 2014. During his tenure, the school established a Department of Diversity, Equity and Community life; mission-based councils for social awareness, heritage, and spirituality; and new programs in entrepreneurship and network exchange. Even through the most challenging of times, Joe ensured that students were not only provided a high-quality education, but given the tools and resources needed to move confidently into the future. In 2022, 91st Street unveiled FutureLab, 20,000-square feet of renovated and reclaimed space dedicated to STEM; and completed its inaugural immersion trip to Sacred Heart schools in India. Most importantly, Dr. Ciancaglini infused new life into the community’s understanding of Sacred Heart’s mission. He will always be known for his leadership and wisdom, his love for the students and colleagues in the school community, and his profound commitment to the mission of Sacred Heart education. Joe’s transformational and visionary leadership left an indelible mark on our Sacred Heart community, and 91st Street is poised for continued excellence in the years ahead.

To ensure Dr. Ciancaglini's lasting impact, The Board of Trustees has established the Joseph J. Ciancaglini Endowment Fund, which will allow for the funding of two important initiatives:


Endowing the position of Director of Community Outreach & Service

to ensure a continued commitment to Sacred Heart’s Network and service programs while solidifying community partnerships. Dr. Ciancaglini developed community service programs at every institution he led. He created a model for service-learning in his early days as an educator and, nearly 50 years later, continued to take an active part in school programs as Head of School. Fittingly, the robust interest in service at 91st Street would benefit greatly from the resources and staffing allocated to support the work and broaden the reach of faculty, staff, and students.


Head of School’s Fund for Non-Tuition Financial Assistance

which will permit the School’s leadership to assist students in need of resources beyond what is provided by traditional tuition aid. The fund will offer assistance with various purchases like supplies, yearbook and class rings, after-school/extended care, school and PA-sponsored events, service trips, visiting student programs, Network opportunities, music lessons, laptop access and transportation. Sacred Heart values experiential equity and recognizes the importance of providing all students with access to participate fully in the life of the school.