Communicating with confidence and power.


Since the inception of Sacred Heart schools, public speaking has been integral to the curriculum to empower our young women to develop into confident, articulate leaders. Starting in Kindergarten, students learn and consistently practice how to concisely organize content and express ideas and opinions with clarity to engage or persuade an audience.

The Forensics Team (also called Speech) is one of the most popular extra-curricular activities at Sacred Heart. 25% of Upper School students compete in local, state and national Forensics competitions. Led by Tali Balas, Sacred Heart’s young women are challenged to find and share their voice.


Key Forensics Achievements: 2023-2024

  • 1 New York State Forensics League Champion, 1 New York State Forensics League Runner-up, 15 New York State Forensics League Awardees and 22 New York State Forensics League Qualifiers.

  • 4 National Qualifiers; 1 National Semi-Finalist