You’re in Kindergarten and this your first year at Sacred Heart. How has it been?
Amazing! I really like Sacred Heart and I really like new beginnings. My teachers are very nice and my friends are so nice too.
What has been your favorite memory this year?
I loved Grandparent’s Day! We got to sing songs for our grandparents and show them all the special things we have done. We did a fun worksheet together on measuring in our classroom. It was a special day.
What is your favorite subject?
Art. I like art because I am really good at art and I whatever I try to do in art class, I end up liking.
What has been your favorite project this year?
The Family Visit Book. We made a book about all the family visits to our classroom this year. The family visits are when a classmate's family comes in and shares things they are interested in or things they like to eat or traditions they have. My family shared a video with music and pictures of me when I was young. We made maracas in the classroom and ate Baked by Melissa cupcakes. After every family visit, we write about the visit in our book.
Tell me about 406 [our Athletics and Wellness Center]:
We do lots of fun things there like tennis, swimming, dance and exercise.
Do you like being at a school with only girls?
Yes, because girls can be whatever they want to be. I know I can be a mommy and a superhero.
What does it feel like to walk into school every morning?
Happy. It feels very happy.
What is your favorite Sacred Heart goal?
I like Goals I and II. Goal I because God really loves us and we want to thank him for building us. And Goal II because I like learning and it is fun to learn new things that I have never learned before.
Describe Sacred Heart in one word: